Wanted (2008)
Genre:Action, Thriller Directed By:Timur Bekmambetov
Produced By:Marc Platt, Jim Lemley
Cast By:James McAvoy, Angelina Jolie, Morgan Freeman, Terence Stamp, Thomas Kretschmann.
Theme:There is a group of some people, formed a secrete society thousand years ago, how are performing the job of silent executions, by them it's from fate!
James McAvoy a boy with unhappy life wanted nothing but a good simple life his father leaved him when he was child and know he was doing his boring job at an office. But suddenly his life changes he is taken in the hands of some people ho are best in their work. Along with them he knew that his father was killed and he also knew what exactly he was built for...before meeting these people he thought that he was a patient of heart but now he knew that he was special, only few people in the world had that ability. His heart can beat thousand times faster and for that he can judge and see normal things in super slow motion. Now in as he knew all about himself and about his father so he was full ready to take revenge of his fathers death, but for this, he should be able to kill the killer of his father. The group he meat, trained him very well and in last he was ready to take down the killer of his father. In the way he faced tow or three times with the killer but the member of the society Angelina Jolie was with him she saved him from the death but when he was perfectly ready for the action to kill his fathers killer he faced the killer alone in a train where he was shocked that the whom he killed was not the killer of his father but he was his father.
Angelina Jolie was the member of the secrete society which was founded thousands year ago, some people found some secrete codes on the fabric for that codes were the name of the people whom their fate wants to be executed, they called them selves the fraternity. But one the member of the secrete society became against them and he was so perfect that no one was able to kill him than the boos chose Angelina Jolie to get him and make him right to get in the secrete society, the reason to recruiting the boy was that his father was the one who was killing every one the member of the secrete society so the boy was only hope and he was the only one whom he would not kill. And the reason getting in the fraternity for Angelina Jolie was, when she was a little girl his father was killed by a killer and killer was to be killed as his name was accrued by his fate but a member from the fraternity was failed to kill him for that the father of Angelina Jolie was killed.
But the cause of killing every one in the secrete society of fraternity was that, the name of the boos had also been came out and for that he was also be killed but he denied the fate and when the boy knew that his father was on the right track and the secrete society of fraternity has to be stopped than he started the mission and proved victories but the main man has escaped......
The movie Wanted is so much entertaining, but especially the gun fire hitting on target swinging from the things which were in front of the target, that thing was knew and much interesting but surely imposable. In short this is the best action movie.
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