Genre:Action, Anime, Children, Comedy, Family, Adventure.
Cast:Mendy Moore, Zachary Levi, Donna Morphy,
Produced by: Walt Disney.
Theme: The Story based upon a Magical fairy tell of a Last beautiful Princes and she was kept in a far way Tower.
Story: Once upon a time there was a King who use to rule his kingdom with justice and the people were very happy from their King. One day Queen gave birth a little beautiful princes, after some days the princes went ill the only way to get her feel better was the magical Plant, by sayings it may grow on the top of the hills secretly. The king announced to pay a very huge price if any one can get me the Magical Plant. Every one started searching, the King made his army also to search for the worthy magical plant. Did any one know about the magical plant or is that true, that there is really a magical plant waving some were in a cool breeze of mountains some where in the Valley? yes it was true and yes an old lady knows about the Magical plant but she uses the plant to be young when ever she touches the plant she became young again and she hided the plant but her fortune was not so good a Soldier of the Kings Army saw the Plant and picked it up and brought it to the king. The King feed the plant to his little princes, the princes became well the king and the whole kingdom became so happy except the old lady because the power of the magical plant was not permanent it was temporary after some time she became old again. One day she cam in the Palace saw the little princes the magic of the plant was know in the hairs of the Princes when the old woman saw the hairs of the princes she became so exited and as she touched the hairs she became young again, she cut some hairs off from the princes but it was no use the hairs left their magic and turned form golden color in to black, it was very shocking result but the old woman was not in the mood to leave her self old she stool the princes and took her with herself in a for away tower which was situated in a deep valley between the mountains in a deep jungle where no one had went ever. When the Queen and the King woke up in the morning the saw that the princes was vanished they became so sad. King announced again a very huge price for getting his daughter back but this time no one was able to find her. The King and the Queen make there very best to find there princes but can not do any thing they started making light balloons every year on the birth day of the princes. When the princes get young she was told by the old woman that she was his mother and she kept her in this tower to protect his beautiful and innocent daughter from the cruel world because she got the magical hairs. Every year on his birthday the princes watched the lights in the sky so many times she tried to ask from the old woman about the lights but she always role her question in the air. One day a man claimed up in the tower, princes Rapunzel became so feared because she saw a man first time in her life and he was completely stranger to him and also so close to her, she was very brave she took a fry pan and hit it on the head of the man as hard as she could the man went down on the floor. This man was a thief he stole the crown of the Princes Rapunzel from the Castle and in order to hide from the troops of the King he got here. Any way when he got up, Rapunzel asked some questions from him and made a deal with him that if he help her and get her to these lights than she will hand over the crown to him, the deal was accepted from the him and they went on their way to wards the castle to see the lights. As the old woman came back and saw that her golden magical haired girl was gone she became so angry and find her with the help of tow wicked villain who were the companions of the Hero. Old woman than took the princes Rapunzel with him but how ever the Hero got stood against the wicked old woman and get to tower again where the old woman was exposed as a wicked old woman and she injured the hero so bade that he was near to death but she did not gave permission that princes can save his life by using his magical hairs, than she made a deal with the old lady for letting her go to save the life of his love and for this she shall never left old lady again and remain in the tower for his entire life. Than the old lady accepted the deal. as princes Rapunzel saved his life he cute off all the hairs the old lady went older again. Hero took the Princes Rapunzel with him to the Palace where King and Queen were waiting to there little princes. The whole kingdom lived happily ever after.

Cast:Mendy Moore, Zachary Levi, Donna Morphy,
Produced by: Walt Disney.
Theme: The Story based upon a Magical fairy tell of a Last beautiful Princes and she was kept in a far way Tower.
Story: Once upon a time there was a King who use to rule his kingdom with justice and the people were very happy from their King. One day Queen gave birth a little beautiful princes, after some days the princes went ill the only way to get her feel better was the magical Plant, by sayings it may grow on the top of the hills secretly. The king announced to pay a very huge price if any one can get me the Magical Plant. Every one started searching, the King made his army also to search for the worthy magical plant. Did any one know about the magical plant or is that true, that there is really a magical plant waving some were in a cool breeze of mountains some where in the Valley? yes it was true and yes an old lady knows about the Magical plant but she uses the plant to be young when ever she touches the plant she became young again and she hided the plant but her fortune was not so good a Soldier of the Kings Army saw the Plant and picked it up and brought it to the king. The King feed the plant to his little princes, the princes became well the king and the whole kingdom became so happy except the old lady because the power of the magical plant was not permanent it was temporary after some time she became old again. One day she cam in the Palace saw the little princes the magic of the plant was know in the hairs of the Princes when the old woman saw the hairs of the princes she became so exited and as she touched the hairs she became young again, she cut some hairs off from the princes but it was no use the hairs left their magic and turned form golden color in to black, it was very shocking result but the old woman was not in the mood to leave her self old she stool the princes and took her with herself in a for away tower which was situated in a deep valley between the mountains in a deep jungle where no one had went ever. When the Queen and the King woke up in the morning the saw that the princes was vanished they became so sad. King announced again a very huge price for getting his daughter back but this time no one was able to find her. The King and the Queen make there very best to find there princes but can not do any thing they started making light balloons every year on the birth day of the princes. When the princes get young she was told by the old woman that she was his mother and she kept her in this tower to protect his beautiful and innocent daughter from the cruel world because she got the magical hairs. Every year on his birthday the princes watched the lights in the sky so many times she tried to ask from the old woman about the lights but she always role her question in the air. One day a man claimed up in the tower, princes Rapunzel became so feared because she saw a man first time in her life and he was completely stranger to him and also so close to her, she was very brave she took a fry pan and hit it on the head of the man as hard as she could the man went down on the floor. This man was a thief he stole the crown of the Princes Rapunzel from the Castle and in order to hide from the troops of the King he got here. Any way when he got up, Rapunzel asked some questions from him and made a deal with him that if he help her and get her to these lights than she will hand over the crown to him, the deal was accepted from the him and they went on their way to wards the castle to see the lights. As the old woman came back and saw that her golden magical haired girl was gone she became so angry and find her with the help of tow wicked villain who were the companions of the Hero. Old woman than took the princes Rapunzel with him but how ever the Hero got stood against the wicked old woman and get to tower again where the old woman was exposed as a wicked old woman and she injured the hero so bade that he was near to death but she did not gave permission that princes can save his life by using his magical hairs, than she made a deal with the old lady for letting her go to save the life of his love and for this she shall never left old lady again and remain in the tower for his entire life. Than the old lady accepted the deal. as princes Rapunzel saved his life he cute off all the hairs the old lady went older again. Hero took the Princes Rapunzel with him to the Palace where King and Queen were waiting to there little princes. The whole kingdom lived happily ever after.
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